DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 11/04/93 - ACT THREE 27. 33 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It has metamorphic qualities that were confusing the computer. You better run the sweep two or three times. ODO (acknowledges) Major, you could help me by reviewing the security camera records and the heat sensor readouts for the Lab and the surrounding areas. Kira acknowledges, EXITS. O'Brien has found something. O'BRIEN Commander, I'm picking up slight trace elements near the ventilation intake duct. It looks as though the lifeform may have taken this way out. Dax ENTERS. She's still a bit shaky, but recovered enough to return to duty. The others are surprised to see her. SISKO Doctor Bashir give you permission to be up and about? DAX (as she moves, examining the damage) "Doctor Bashir" wouldn't listen to me and hid my clothes so I wouldn't leave.