DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 10/28/93 - ACT ONE 12. 3 CONTINUED: (3) ODO Doctor Mora was the scientist who was assigned to me in my first years here... if he went to the Board of Ministers to request permission to approach you, it would take months. And he's very anxious to investigate something in the Gamma Quadrant. And may I say, Commander, so am I. SISKO You've got me curious, Constable. Is it a secret? ODO No, but there isn't much to tell. One of the Bajoran science probes recently scanned a planet about six light years from the wormhole. It picked up some very unique and familiar DNA patterns. Patterns very much like my own, Commander. (beat) Doctor Mora thinks he may have found the origin of my people... of... me... Off Sisko's reaction... 4 EXT. SPACE - THE WORMHOLE The Federation runabout comes out of it into the Gamma Quadrant... the wormhole closes... 5 INT. RUNABOUT DAX is the pilot. Doctor Mora sits in the co-pilot seat. Odo and a second Bajoran scientist are in the background. We'll get to know this other scientist as DOCTOR WELD RAM. MORA (to Dax) As a scientist yourself, Lieutenant, you can appreciate the difficulty of our dilemma, and the elegance of the solution. When Odo was first found, no one knew who, or indeed, what we were dealing with.