DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - 10/27/93 - TEASER 7. 2 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (calling after them) Of course. You two have a lot of catching up to do. If there's anything I can help you with, Doctor, don't hesitate to call on me. Odo and Mora EXIT. 2A INT. PROMENADE Mora is studying Odo carefully, picks up none of the discomfort that Odo is feeling. But it is important to note that Mora is extremely likeable in every casual way possible. He has a warm sense of humor, is outgoing with people and even with Odo, he is comfortable in a superficial way. But there is no intimacy from him toward Odo. No personal relationship. More of what you'd expect from a business relationship. In fact, he is a scientist. And Odo is his specimen. MORA That was uncalled for. ODO You don't know Quark. MORA I know he was trying very hard to present you in a positive light to someone he thought was important to you and you responded with... ODO ("don't lecture me" implied) Please... MORA Still having trouble with social integration... ? ODO I integrate as much as I want to. MORA Define "as much as I want to."