DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 63. 78 thru OMITTED 81 81A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) TIME CUT: 82 INT. RACQUETBALL COURT CLOSE on O'Brien's hand as the ball flies into it again. WIDEN TO REVEAL that Sisko and Dax have joined O'Brien and Bashir. BASHIR It goes right to his hand. Every single time. O'BRIEN I must've done it a dozen times by now. And I haven't missed once yet. BASHIR Nobody can be that lucky. It's impossible. DAX Not impossible. Just extremely improbable. Everyone looks to Dax. O'BRIEN Improbable? SISKO (gets it) Like the neutrinos on the station spinning the same way. Or a few dozen people having minor accidents at the same instant. Or a system failing at just the wrong time. DAX Exactly. Someone or something on this station is distorting the laws of probability.