95:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 76 CONTINUED: Everyone exchanges puzzled looks. O'BRIEN (on screen) Watch me. On screen, O'Brien reaches past the "camera's" POV and manipulates something off-camera. The screen fizzes out, then goes blank. Quark comes up with a quick explanation. QUARK (to all) The players have called a three minute break! Betting is reopened! Three minutes only! Three minutes only! 77 INT. RACQUETBALL COURT - CONTINUOUS Bashir is puzzled. BASHIR Why did you do that? O'BRIEN Something's wrong here. Bashir shakes his head in exasperation. BASHIR With me maybe. But you're playing a great game. O'BRIEN The best I've played in my entire life. (beat) I'm making shots I couldn't make fifteen years ago. When I was playing five hours a day, every day. I can't miss. BASHIR And I can't hit the broad side of a Plygorian Mammoth.