97:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 72 INT. CLUB MARTUS Martus is pacing the room in from of the gambling devices. Rom is moping behind the bar. MARTUS Where is she? ROM Who? MARTUS Alsia. She was supposed to meet me here and tell me how the bid went. ROM I still don't think it's fair. You investing my money without asking. MARTUS (incredulous) Your money? ROM You promised me one quarter of the profits. But then you gave her everything we earned. MARTUS I promised you a quarter of the profits after expenses. ROM Expenses? What expenses? MARTUS (snowing him) Operating costs, overhead, recapitalization... ROM (he's heard enough) That does it. Rom emerges from behind the bar and throws his Club Martus jacket into Martus's face. MARTUS Where are you going?