DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 65A CONTINUED: DAX Notice anything unusual? Kira hasn't got any idea, but she gives it the old college try. KIRA There're a lot of them? Dax smiles good-naturedly. DAX The spin. Given the laws of probability, from any given point of view, about half of them should be spinning clockwise and half of them counterclockwise. (brings up more information) But over eighty percent of them are spinning clockwise. KIRA (doesn't buy it) You think people are having accidents because of the way the neutrinos are spinning? DAX No, but I think it may be a symptom of the same problem. The neutrinos outside the station are normal, but inside... (indicates the monitor) Something very strange is going on here. 66 thru OMITTED 67 68 INT. RACQUETBALL COURT O'Brien and Bashir step inside the court, racquets in hand, ready to go. A beat. O'BRIEN (genuinely) Have a good game, Julian. BASHIR (surprised) You too.