DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 64 CONTINUED: KEIKO -- Win or lose... (with meaning) Tonight we celebrate. They exchange a look. O'Brien smiles with confidence. He turns for the door. Keiko stops him. KEIKO (continuing) Miles, wait. She shows him a beautiful handkerchief. KEIKO A silk handkerchief... medieval Japanese design. Scented with my perfume. She ties it around his forehead as a sweatband, then gives him a kiss. KEIKO Kick his butt. O'Brien smiles. 64A INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is dressed for the match. He's doing some preliminary stretches, loosening up, that sort of thing, when Quark ENTERS the room, carrying a bottle of liquid. At first Bashir doesn't notice him, intent on his stretching. QUARK Doctor... (Bashir sees him) I brought you something, a token of thanks from the monks... to show how much they appreciate your participation in their little fundraiser. BASHIR (still stretching) Thanks. Put it over there. Bashir indicates a lab table. Quark looks at the bottle. QUARK Aren't you going to try some?