11:[2,#b],34:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 50 OMITTED 51 INT. QUARK'S O'Brien ENTERS, carrying his tool kit, to find a crowd gathering in Quark's (three cowled Bajoran monks are among them). Quark himself is the center of attention -- standing on top of the bar, addressing the crowd. Bashir is standing nearby, looking very reluctant. QUARK If it's action you want, you've come to the right place. Excitement... we have it here! Thrills and spills. Victory and defeat. Look no further. We've got it all... Quark spots O'Brien making his way toward Bashir. QUARK (re: O'Brien) Here he is. The reigning champion of Starfleet... A legend on both sides of the wormhole... Ladies and Gentlemen... Miles "The Mechanic" O'Brien! The crowd applauds. 52 ON O'BRIEN as he steps up to Bashir. O'BRIEN What's this all about? I got an emergency call. BASHIR So did I. But I don't see any emergency. 53 RESUME SCENE As the applause dies, Quark indicates Bashir.