DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT THREE 31. 36 CONTINUED: ALSIA Ten thousand Vlugtan Isiks. MARTUS Ten thousand Isiks... It won't be easy to raise that kind of money. ALSIA I know. I hope I can find an investor in time. Which is exactly what Martus wanted. It's his lucky day. MARTUS I might know someone. But what kind of return could they expect on their investment? ALSIA Once I begin mining, I'll pay them ten times ten thousand. MARTUS (smiles) Don't worry, Alsia. I'll do everything in my power to keep your dream alive. ALSIA Martus, I don't know how to thank you. Alsia kisses him on the cheek and EXITS the Club. 35 thru OMITTED 36 37 NEW ANGLE Martus notices Rom, who is running a tricorder over a second plate of canapes. MARTUS Is there a problem, Rom?