DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/19/93 - ACT TWO 26. 26 INT. RACQUETBALL COURT Mid-game. O'Brien smacks the ball -- Bashir tries to return, misses. Even though it didn't look that tough. BASHIR Nice shot! O'Brien looks like he can barely contain his anger. He takes the ball, serves. Again, Bashir misses. BASHIR (continuing) Damn. The ball bounces around for a bit. O'Brien doesn't touch it -- he's too ticked off. Bashir picks it up, tosses it to O'Brien who smacks it out the way with his open hand, sending it flying across the court. O'BRIEN You think I'm stupid, too? BASHIR What are you talking about? O'Brien points a finger in his face. O'BRIEN I don't need your charity. Next time, you play your best game or you don't play. O'Brien whips around and is out the door. OFF Bashir's face as he lets out a frustrated breath. 27 INT. PROMENADE Quark and Odo ENTER frame. QUARK He can't do this! I have an exclusive contract! I want him arrested!