197:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Rivals" - REV. 10/20/93 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: (2) MARTUS Everyone needs someone to confide in... Someone to hear their stories... I offer a sympathetic ear. And if they request my help -- I give it to them. ODO That couple from Pythro Five told me you asked for their financial access codes. MARTUS Some might call helping an elderly couple invest their savings a compassionate act. ODO Not when you invest it in your own business. A business that promptly folds. MARTUS I had a run of bad luck. No one regrets it more than I do. ODO You're a con man. And they've signed a complaint. Martus's confidence seems to break for a moment at this news. 7AA OMITTED 7A INT. HOLDING AREA (OPTICAL) Odo pushes Martus backward into the open security cell. Martus looks around the cell, noting his cellmate, an ancient, diseased-looking alien (COS), then turns back to Odo. His voice is thoughtful, sympathetic. MARTUS (re: cell) This isn't necessary. I'm not going anywhere. Let's have a drink. Talk a bit... Odo harumphs and activates the cell field barrier. He turns and heads away. OFF Martus's scowl... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER