41:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - REV. 10/11/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 54 CONTINUED: (2) Kira looks at Haneek... it's getting serious... SISKO Dax, get me General Hazar on Bajor... tell his people it's an emergency... I want to speak with him now... Dax nods, hits her panels... KIRA (to the pilot) Stand by, interceptor. General Hazar will be countermanding those orders any minute... O'BRIEN The interceptor's closing on the Skrreean ship... Kira and Haneek look at the monitor... 55 INSERT - THE OKUDAGRAM (OPTICAL) The two graphics representing the Bajoran ships are slicing in on the approaching Skrreean ship... 56 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) DAX It's General Hazar, Benjamin... SISKO On screen... All eyes turn to the Viewscreen as the Bajoran general, GENERAL HAZAR appears. HAZAR What's this about, Commander? SISKO It's about the Skrreean ship that's approaching Bajor... HAZAR I've already given orders to have it turned back...