DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - 10/08/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 50 OMITTED 50A INT. REPLIMAT (FORMERLY SCENE 48) Jake moves to stand at the end of a long line (mostly Skrreeans) at the replicator. Widen to show Tumak in front of him. Jake sees him, becomes thoughtful... what can he say? Finally: JAKE If you like cake, the icoberry torte is really good... TUMAK (calm; surprisingly accessible) Icoberries... are they sweet or sour? JAKE (surprised by Tumak's lack of anger) Both. TUMAK (nods... maybe he'll try some; beat) Is that big-eared troll really your friend? JAKE Yeah. TUMAK He's an idiot. JAKE (shrugs) You're not the first one to say that. But he's not such a bad guy... once you get to know him. TUMAK I don't plan on being here that long... JAKE My dad says you're probably going to Draylon Two... TUMAK Does he...