DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - 10/08/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 49 CONTINUED: MINISTER ROZAHN Yes. (to Haneek) I was sent here to tell you that the Ministers -- (a nod to Sorad) -- in accord with the Vedek Assembly -- have decided to deny the Skrreeans' request. Haneek stiffens... she wasn't expecting this... she can't take her eyes off Minister Rozahn... MINISTER ROZAHN (to Haneek; sympathetically) I'm sorry. Haneek feels the desperation seeping into her, starting to overwhelm everything else... VEDEK SORAD Bajor simply cannot absorb three million refugees at this time... MINISTER ROZAHN After what the Cardassians did to our planet, we can barely take care of our own. HANEEK But no one is asking you to take care of us... ! VEDEK SORAD (sympathetic) This decision is not based strictly on Bajoran self-interest. Such a huge increase in population would prove to be tragic to your people as well as ours. HANEEK But Bajor has more than enough room for us. The plains of the northwest peninsula are practically uninhabited. The land's ideal for farming. MINISTER ROZAHN It used to be... before the Cardassians got their hands on it.