DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - 10/08/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 47 CONTINUED: (2) Kira pauses a beat, waits for several Skrreeans to pass. KIRA These are people who've lost everything, Varani... VARANI I know. And I wish there was some way we could help them... Kira looks at him... she wishes that, too... she's still struggling to believe otherwise... VARANI (continuing) Bajor is in shambles, Kira... you know that as well as I... Varani's trying to be comforting... but Kira isn't comforted... 48 OMITTED 49 INT.COMMANDER'S OFFICE The meeting has just gotten under way. A serious-looking Bajoran official, MINISTER ROZAHN, and a calm but serious Vedek, VEDEK SORAD, are seated in the office, along with Sisko, Kira and Haneek. MINISTER ROZAHN First of all, I want you all to know that the provisional government has taken the Skrreeans' request for immigration very seriously. The debate in the Chamber of Ministers became quite heated at times... (attempt at humor to lighten the situation) Though I suppose you could say that about all of our debates... SISKO But a decision was reached...