DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - 10/08/93 - ACT THREE 40. 43 CONTINUED: SISKO (O.S.) Dax and I have been combing through data on every uninhabited M-Class planet in the sector... Widen to show Sisko and Kira flanking Dax, who's sitting at her station monitor. SISKO (continuing) We think Draylon Two would make a perfect home for the Skrreea. KIRA (reading planet's name) "Draylon Two"... never heard of it... DAX It's near Sefalla Prime... it's got definite possibilities... stable orbit... a temperate climate... very low surface radiation... SISKO Add to that good soil and a long growing season... I think it's our best bet. 44 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE GUEST QUARTERS - ON DOOR as it opens, revealing Haneek. She smiles out at... 45 REVERSE - SISKO, KIRA AND DAX They've come to tell her the good news... SISKO May we come in? HANEEK Of course... Sisko, Kira and Dax ENTER... widen to show Haneek is not alone... the four Skrreean women who were at the table in Quark's are there, including Vayna... they sit in the living area, glaring suspiciously at Sisko...