DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - 10/08/93 - ACT THREE 34. 35 ANGLE ON CORNER TABLE A meeting of five Skrreean women is in progress, one of them Haneek, one of them the ages-old crone, Vayna. Vayna is addressing Haneek solemnly. VAYNA We've talked it over among ourselves... our feelings were unanimous... you discovered the Eye of the Universe... you must lead us the rest of the way... HANEEK (quiet acceptance) I'll do the best I can... The decision having been made, the four women get up and leave... Haneek falls deep into thought... Kira APPEARS at the table, looking after the departing women... KIRA That looked pretty serious. Is everything all right? Haneek looks out over the Skrreeans in the bar... HANEEK Look at them... look at my people... 36 MAIN FLOOR OF QUARK'S - KIRA AND HANEEK'S POV Many of the Skrreeans have settled in at the tables, talking and laughing, generally enjoying the give-and-take conversation conducive to an open environment... there's even a small group gathered around Varani, enjoying his music... HANEEK (O.S.) I've never seen them so happy... 37 RESUME - KIRA AND HANEEK (OPTICAL) Haneek looks down, a little lost. HANEEK ... and here I sit, feeling trapped.