DEEP SPACE: "Second Sight" - REV. 09/28/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 68 CONTINUED: (2) FENNA (not wanting to be separated from Sisko) But, Benjamin, I want to stay with you... SISKO (gently) It'll be all right, Fenna. I just need to talk to Seyetik. Fenna hesitates, then allows Dax to lead her from the room. 69 OMITTED 70 ON SISKO AND SEYETIK After Dax and Fenna EXIT, Sisko takes a calming breath and releases Seyetik. SISKO Alright, Professor. If what you're saying is true, Nidell's psychoprojective abilities are killing her... and I need to know why. Seyetik slumps and suddenly he looks every bit his age. SEYETIK Nidell doesn't even know this is happening. During times of deep emotional distress... Halanans can lose control of these abilities. And I'm afraid my wife... is very emotionally distraught. (a beat) She's done this once before. Three years ago, on Terosa Prime. It almost killed her then. She swore to me it would never happen again. SISKO Obviously it has.