DEEP SPACE: "Sanctuary" - REV. 10/11/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 57 INSERT - THE OKUDAGRAM (OPTICAL) A beat, the three symbols representing the ships closer now... then the graphic representing the Skrreean vessel suddenly BRIGHTENS... and disappears... 58 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) Haneek stiffens, grasps Sisko's arm, as if she herself has been struck... Sisko holds her... KIRA Interceptor One... ? PILOT'S COM VOICE The Skrreean ship exploded. (beat) I didn't even think we hit it... O'BRIEN (grimly, to Sisko) The phaser beam must've ignited the radiation leak... Still on the viewscreen, General Hazar looks saddened... HAZAR Commander... I'm so sorry... SISKO We all are, General... Kira turns to Haneek... the two women look at each other... there's nothing Kira can say... she feels Haneek's pain... Haneek squares her shoulders, eyes Kira coldly... as if her anger and pain fuses into her backbone... giving her an emotionally charged, if icy strength... 58AA EXT. SPACE STATION (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 58A INT. DOCKING RING AIRLOCK A stoic Haneek directs a procession of Skrreea through the airlock door to a docked Skrreean vessel. Gai and Cowl wait for her nearby. Several Federation and Bajoran security guards help oversee the operation. 58B ANGLE - KIRA as she approaches. Haneek sees her. A beat.