DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/17/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 59 CONTINUED: TRAZKO Oh, I see. Then, perhaps you could just put these in water for him. GUARD Of course... And Trazko hands the guard the flowers and gives a quick little extra shove... the guard looks curiously down at his stomach as the flowers fall out of hands, exposing the knife in his belly... he crumples slowly to the floor... 60 ANGLE - TRAZKO moves to the bed and shuts off the life support... takes a pillow and begins to put it over Quark's face... 61 ROM ... arrives at the doorway, takes a step inside; reacts, sees the Guard on the floor, his mouth falls open... 62 ANGLE - ROM & TRAZKO Trazko looks back, sees him... and lunges at the wide-eyed Ferengi... as Rom begins to make those dreadfully shrill Ferengi shrieks from "Invasive Procedures"... Trazko grabs him, but the little guy is all hands and legs like a screaming child... finally pushes himself away, crashing into a stand of medical equipment placed against the wall. The medical equipment is sent loudly all over the place. Trazko realizes that he has to get out of there, but his way is blocked by Odo and another security man arriving... and onlookers behind them. Trazko hesitates for barely a second, and Odo grabs him and presses him against the wall... the other security guard goes to check the wounded guard... Rom is continuing to shriek throughout all this... Odo manages to hit his combadge...