17:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/17/93 - ACT FIVE 51-51A. 57 CONTINUED: (2) ODO You're lying. KIRA (in trouble, struggling) I... ODO Don't bother... your whole face changes... I should have seen it before... you don't lie well... Silent. KIRA (softly, rueful) Thanks. ODO So why don't you start telling the truth. Beat. KIRA (dark, still soft, almost to herself) Whose side are you going to be on, Constable... ? ODO I'm not going to play your game. KIRA Once I tell you the truth, you'll have to choose. ODO No. No, that's why I was given this job. That's why all of you always come to me with problems. I'm the outsider. I'm on no one's side. All I'm interested in is justice. If you're innocent, you'll go free. If you're not, I'll turn you over to Cardassian authorities. That's the only choice here. KIRA (sighs) I didn't kill him. When he was killed I was on Level Twenty-one...