12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/17/93 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: A56 INT. PROMENADE - NIGHT LIGHTING - WIDE SHOT seeing the figure of Odo looking down at the last people on the Promenade... the last shop's lights going out... and a slow PUSH IN to him... ODO (V.O.) Nobody ever had to teach me the "Justice Trick." That's just something I know. A racial memory from my species, I guess. It's really the only clue I have to what kind of people they are. Are these kinds of thoughts appropriate for a Starfleet log? I don't care. 56 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Lights are low -- as Odo ENTERS; moves to his chair... places his hand on the top of its backrest; looking down at it... ODO (V.O.) (beat, sighs) There's no room in Justice for loyalty or friendship or love... Justice, as the humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore. He turns and looks to -- 57 FLASHBACK BEGINS - CLOSE ON KIRA sitting in the old security/storage area... already on the defensive... KIRA Yes, I lied about my alibi... but that doesn't make me a killer... ODO Where were you when he was murdered? KIRA Asleep. Alone.