DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/17/93 - ACT THREE 31. 35 INSERT - THE PADD shows the name "CHES'SO"... KIRA (O.S.) Ches'so... 36 RESUME ODO Might be the first name on the list. Remember anyone from those days on the station with that name? KIRA No, but I wasn't here very long. There's private humor between them in that statement. ODO So I recall. KIRA (beat) We've never talked about it. ODO We never had to. KIRA I would have been executed. ODO You were innocent of the crime I was investigating. KIRA That wouldn't have mattered to the Cardassians. ODO It mattered to me. And as they walk out of frame, we HEAR the sound of an iron gate closing... overlapping as we... CUT TO: