DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/17/93 - ACT ONE 10. 10 INSERT - SMALL CONTAINER IN WALL HOLE In a hole in the wall which had been covered by the panel, rests a small, plain, sealed metal strongbox. 11 RESUME - SHOT Rom, seeing the small box, waits for Quark to take it out. But Quark -- still thunderstruck -- just stands there. ROM Should I take it out for you? Quark finally alerts -- moves forward, reaching over and between conduits, with: QUARK Don't touch it. (taking box) Don't you touch anything. Ever; ever; again. 12 INT. QUARK'S (OPTICAL) Closeup of the box. Still very late at night. A laser tool carefully unseals the strongbox. As it opens to reveal a piece of paper... QUARK (O.S.) Just a piece of paper... ? Quark's hand pulls it out... 13 ANGLE ON QUARK AND ROM ROM A treasure map, perhaps? Quark unfolds it, reacts as he studies it... Rom doesn't get it... ROM What does it mean, brother? QUARK I have no idea. 14 INSERT - LIST on the page, a handwritten list of eight Bajoran names. QUARK Eight names. All of them Bajoran...