150:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT ONE 7A. 8A CONTINUED: ROM Nog made it for me. Boy's always been clever with his hands. Quark's now gaping at the open desealer. Agog; his mind on: QUARK ... my storeroom. Rom moves to the lockseal on the front door of the shop; will go to work on it, as: ROM (cheerily) Time this, Brother; you'll be very proud. QUARK ... my storeroom. 9 INT. SHIP'S STORE as, from without, the front door-seal is broken open (just enough of a SNAP-CRACK Sound to tell us it's a break-in, rather than something being properly unlocked). Quark and ROM sneak in, closing the door behind them. Both take palm lights from the satchel. This is a shop that sells and repairs techno gadgets that ships need. There's a workbench... several gadgets and tools on display. Throughout the above: QUARK (accusatory hiss) Thief. Don't deny it. You've been stealing from me... ROM Brother, I'd never... QUARK Tomorrow morning, I'm changing my entire lock system.