DEEP SPACE: "Necessary Evil" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: ROM You have one on the storeroom door. QUARK So? ROM Sometimes when you forget to leave me the desealer, I have to get the storeroom open. QUARK (deadly) You've unsealed the storeroom without my knowledge? ROM Only to serve a customer's needs... QUARK In ten seconds? ROM You forget fairly often. They're again moving surreptitiously to... 8A FRONTING SHIP'S STORE Quark removes the satchel from Rom's shoulder -- will dig into it for something, as: QUARK Ten seconds. (searching satchel) We'll see how you handle this desealing rod. ROM (fishes in pocket) That's all right; I have my own. QUARK (stops; gapes) What? Rom pulls forth a little penknife-looking gizmo -- which he opens to reveal a short strip of metal, having key-like ridges along both sides, and an icepick-like tip.