147:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Rules of Acquisition" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FIVE 66A. 66A CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (continuing) If you're going to pretend you're a man, then act like one. Take the profit. PEL This isn't about profit anymore. It's about love. There, she said it. Quark growls angrily. QUARK (an accusation) Spoken like a true female. He turns away and begins gathering up her things. But Pel can't quit now. PEL I love you, Quark. And I know you care about me, too. Admit it. Quark refuses to look at her, but he stops what he was doing. QUARK What difference does it make if I do? You'd never be happy being a Ferengi wife. PEL Then come with me to the Gamma Quadrant. No one there cares whether I wear clothes or not. A beat, then Quark turns to face her. QUARK (with solemn finality) I'd care. A long beat as she sees that he really means it. PEL I guess I'd better start packing. QUARK I guess so. And there's nothing left for them to say.