DEEP SPACE: "Rules of Acquisition" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 62A CONTINUED: (3) QUARK And what would such information be worth to you? ZEK A lot. QUARK What if I told you I could arrange a meeting between you and a powerful member of the Dominion? Zek grabs hold of Quark's arm. ZEK If you can do that, I'll see to it that you earn a percentage of every Ferengi opportunity in the Gamma Quadrant. QUARK That's a lot of latinum. Zek shivers with anticipation. ZEK Give me a name. QUARK (sotto voce) The Karemma. ZEK (he loves them already) The Karemma. Zek leans back in his chair a happy man. ZEK I always knew you had the lobes for business. They chuckle contentedly. Rom can't take it anymore. ROM Now, may I have a word with you, Brother. Even Rom can't annoy Quark at the moment. QUARK All right. But make it quick.