13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Rules of Acquisition" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 39 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL - DAY Zek seated at Quark's cafe with Maihar'du; eyes the passing throng. He never realized there were so many females on the station. Suddenly a shadow falls across the table. He glances up to see... 40 KIRA standing over him. ZEK Ah, Major, did your shipment of Brizeen nitrate arrive on time? KIRA Yes, it did. Kira holds out the jewelry box. ZEK Good. And now you're here to thank me. (pats his lap) Have a seat. KIRA Actually, I just stopped by to return this. Zek reluctantly takes the box. ZEK Why? Is something wrong with it? KIRA No, it's lovely. I just can't accept it. ZEK Then I suppose a night of wild passionate romance is out of the question. KIRA That's right.