DEEP SPACE: "Rules of Acquisition" - REV. 09/09/93 - ACT TWO 25. 31 CONTINUED: (3) ZEK I believe the next challenge goes to you. Pel, whose eyes remain on Quark passes the deck over to Rom. PEL I think I'll pass on this round. She gets up and goes to join Quark. 32 TIGHT ON ZEK AND DAX watching her walk off. ZEK Such loyalty must be... expensive. DAX You can't buy that kind of loyalty. ZEK You can where I come from. 33 ANGLE THE BAR As Pel joins a worried Quark. PEL Is the Nagus always this impatient? Quark takes the bowl behind the counter and refills it from a bigger bowl, grabbing a handful of grubs with his fist. QUARK He wants results. And he expects me to get them. But he's not making my job any easier. A hundred thousand vats... that's a lot of tulaberries. PEL You'll get them. QUARK How can you be so sure? PEL Because you're good. And with me helping you, you're even better.