DEEP SPACE: "Melora" - REV. 08/30/93 - ACT TWO 26. Dax begins to roll the wheelchair forward... MELORA What kind... of architect would deliberately... design a raised rim at the entrance to every door... 29 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir works on Melora's head with a tech tool as she lies down... Dax is not there... the tech control is gone from her arm... MELORA (gallows humor) So much for the dangers of the Gamma Quadrant... I didn't even make it there... BASHIR You will. There's no concussion... you can reschedule your mission for tomorrow... MELORA (on the verge of tears) It was so... (sighs, "humiliating" is implied) ... flopping back and forth... like a broken toy... I didn't want anyone to find me like that... but I couldn't get up by myself... BASHIR Why didn't you wait for Dax before you went into an area that wasn't modified with ramps... MELORA (angry at herself) I didn't need Dax... if I'd just paid attention...