DEEP SPACE: "Melora" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 16. 16 CONTINUED: BASHIR Was that an attack? You do it so well, with such charm, it's hard to tell. MELORA I really don't mean to... BASHIR Sure you do. MELORA I beg your pardon? BASHIR Of course, you mean to... all of these broad shots you fire -- it's your way of keeping the rest of the universe on the defensive. Has to be. You're too good at it. MELORA (not a true admission) Always seemed to work pretty well. Until now. BASHIR That's the nicest thing you've said to me. Or anybody else for that matter. Are you hungry? I came here thinking about asking you to dinner. MELORA (instinctive) Then afterward, we'll go dancing, I suppose. BASHIR (pointing out an attack) Red alert. MELORA Sorry.