DEEP SPACE: "Melora" - REV. 08/30/93 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: (2) MELORA (Cont'd) I dreamed about exploring the stars as a girl. And I wasn't going to allow any... "handicap," not a chair, not a Cardassian station... to stop me from chasing that dream. SISKO You must feel a great deal of pride in what you've been able to achieve. MELORA (you bet) And I've achieved it without being dependent on anybody. To be honest, I prefer working alone. It's simply easier for me. SISKO I'm not comfortable sending you alone into the Gamma Quadrant. MELORA Sir, I can focus on the job better, I can work at my own pace without bothering anyone else... SISKO Lieutenant Dax will be going with you. A beat. This is really the first time that Melora gets visibly perturbed in this scene... MELORA Yes sir. (turning to Dax) When do you wish to leave, Lieutenant?