DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 56 CONTINUED: PA'DAR (not interested) Yes, well... we'll see. Sisko eyes him, not liking it, but having to accept it... Pa'Dar glances up to see -- 57 ON O'BRIEN AND RUGAL as they approach the airlock. Rugal seems uncomfortable and wary, almost sullen, as if no decision would have been a good one. O'BRIEN Remember what I said. If you ever want to come back and visit them -- let me know, and I'll arrange it... Rugal is morose and noncommunicative... PA'DAR (carefully) Hello, Rugal -- are you ready to go? Rugal looks at him -- no response, no affection here, just one tough kid who's very closed off and is not going to open up all that easily... Rugal simply turns and walks through the airlock... PA'DAR (to Sisko and O'Brien) I suppose it will take time... Pa'Dar smiles sadly and follows his son, EXITING into the airlock... Sisko and O'Brien watch after him... then turn to look at each other... 58 INT. REPLIMAT The same setting as we opened with. Garak has his Rokassa juice. Bashir has his Tarkalean tea. BASHIR But there's still one more question I haven't been able to figure out, Garak... Why did you want to expose Dukat? What's the truth about you and him?