DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 54 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (you have my support, Doctor) Yes, it seems that I have. Again. Dukat is enraged. GUL DUKAT I suggest we get back to the issue of the children. BASHIR All right, let's talk about children. Have you ever been to the Tozhat Resettlement Center on Bajor where Rugal was adopted? GUL DUKAT Never. BASHIR And of course Tozhat is the province where Pa'Dar was stationed eight years ago. GUL DUKAT I'm aware of that. BASHIR I've been trying to find the records of Rugal's adoption but they're missing from the files. GUL DUKAT How unfortunate. BASHIR But we have found someone who was working at the center at the time Rugal was brought in. Do you know of a Bajoran social volunteer named Jomat Luson?