56:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 54 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN He said he'd disgraced everything a Cardassian believes in. BASHIR (to Padar) Has the news of your son's discovery become public knowledge on Cardassia? PA'DAR The government has not chosen to reveal it to the people yet. BASHIR What happens when it is revealed? PA'DAR It will be the end of my political career. BASHIR That's a shame. Especially considering the timing. PA'DAR The timing? BASHIR Isn't there an inquiry about to begin concerning the Cardassians who supported the recent, attempted coup on Bajor? PA'DAR Yes. BASHIR And isn't Gul Dukat a key witness in that inquiry...