102:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 45 CONTINUED: (3) A long beat. Then the door opens and Keiko and Rugal enter. O'Brien and Keiko move back to observe as the two face one another... PA'DAR Hello, Rugal... A beat as each one studies the other... Pa'Dar moves a little closer to him... Rugal perceptibly moves away... Pa'Dar stops... PA'DAR Do you remember my face even a little? RUGAL No. Struggling, Pa'Dar anxiously reaches into his case and pulls out a PADD. PA'DAR Would you like to see some pictures of you when you were a child... RUGAL No. Rugal moves far away, now turns his back to Pa'Dar who is heartbroken... PA'DAR Rugal, you have to understand... there was nothing left... of the house... after the attack... your mother was dead... you... (beat) I cried for you, Rugal. I missed you so much. I could not even stay on Bajor. It was too close to the happy memories of you. A beat as he waits to see what Rugal's reaction will be. RUGAL It was your own fault. You deserved it. You are Cardassian. What the Bajorans did, they had to do...