DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - 08/16/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 45 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN He's with my wife, Keiko. They'll be here shortly. I thought it would be a good idea if we talked first... Pa'Dar eyes him curiously... O'BRIEN Your son... Rugal... PA'DAR ... At least they didn't change his name... O'BRIEN ... When was the last time you saw him? PA'DAR On Bajor... he'd just had his fourth birthday... (beat, deciding he knows what O'Brien is going to tell him) He probably doesn't even remember me, does he? O'BRIEN I think he's spent most of his life trying to forget you. PA'DAR I'm not sure I understand. O'BRIEN The boy hates everything that he is. Hates Cardassians. Hates being a Cardassian. PA'DAR (underplaying) Yes, I've heard those stories... well, I suppose after growing up among the Bajorans... but now that I'm back in his life... O'BRIEN He may not want you back in his life.