DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/25/93 - ACT THREE 36. 35 CONTINUED: (3) DEELA Our computers don't work. And I can't get a technician to come out. We're not exactly a top priority. GARAK Perhaps I can be of service. BASHIR (reacts) You know how to fix computers? GARAK I dabble with isolinear data subprocessors. It's... a hobby of mine. Off Bashir's reaction... TIME CUT TO 36 COMPUTER SCREEN (VPB) coming on, with an Okudagram display... BASHIR (O.S.) I continue to underestimate you, Garak. Moving to find Garak with his hands working in a complex micro-computer console... he even has a simple, single magnifying eyeglass, like a doctor's light, attached to his forehead... a piece of spy gear he carries with him. Bashir is sitting in front of the monitor. GARAK No more difficult than sewing on a button, actually. 37 ANGLE - REAR ENTRANCE FROM COURTYARD A fourteen-year-old Cardassian (ASHA) wearing clean but distressed Bajoran clothes quietly ENTERS, staying along the back wall. There's a cautious look in her eyes: wary but wanting, hesitant but hopeful...