DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT THREE 33. 32 CONTINUED: (3) The monitor goes blank. BASHIR It couldn't just be a coincidence. Garak must have heard about Pa'Dar before he woke me up. But what could he be looking for on Bajor? Sisko thinks a beat, turns to Bashir. SISKO I guess there's only one way to find out. 33 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE & RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A runabout departs from the station and sails out into space... 34 EXT. BAJORAN CITY - DAY (MATTE) Establishing. 35 EXT. ORPHAN RESETTLEMENT CENTER - DAY An out-of-the-way (more rural than urban) children's clearinghouse, consisting of a drab courtyard and a dilapidated single-office structure... a place run on a threadbare budget (too little money, not enough hands)... a testament to the post-occupation shortages Bajor still suffers from... The office has the feeling of being furnished through limited scavenging... there's a faded registration counter, behind which are a couple of secondhand Bajoran workstations... the workstations have third-hand Bajoran computer terminals on them... the terminals are dusty, looking little used (they're not on)... In the courtyard, a somewhat weary Bajoran woman (DEELA) sits at a table with TWO BAJORAN CHILDREN, supervising a quiet activity (with PADDS). The children are dressed in clean, hand-me-down clothes.