206:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO Rugal, dinner's ready. Rugal puts the PADD down, comes over... O'Brien and he exchange an uncomfortable glance as they sit. Keiko's hand reaches in with a ladle, dips it into the dish... KEIKO (to Rugal) I hope you like it. But as she looks over to make eye contact with Rugal, she sees he's saying a Bajoran prayer (holding his hands as Kira did in "The Circle"). O'Brien and Keiko exchange a glance as she pauses in her service until Rugal finishes and opens his eyes... as she serves the stew, O'Brien and Rugal are both looking at it none-too-thrilled, wondering what it's made of... O'BRIEN Keiko -- darling -- what is this? KEIKO I found some Cardassian recipes in the memory bank of our food replicator. It's a stew, made with Cardassian zabu meat. (smiles at Rugal) I thought Rugal might enjoy a dish that's popular on his own world. Rugal looks at her, makes no move to try the entree. O'Brien lifts his spoon, tastes the stew... Keiko tries it, doesn't find it too bad -- kind of good, actually -- then sees Rugal isn't eating... O'Brien and Rugal simultaneously push their respective bowls away from them, O'Brien disliking the taste, Rugal having found the concept of Cardassian food unassimilable. The two are surprised they have done the same thing at the same time, surprised they might have something in common. HOLD on the two looking at each other, neither giving anything away... 26 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE - ON GARAK sitting before Sisko at his desk.