DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 21. 24 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO So, you "deduced" that Garak thinks Dukat is lying about something you're not sure of... and you proceeded to interrupt my conversation to confront him about whatever that might be. BASHIR I'm sorry, Commander. It just seemed an opportune... SISKO Don't apologize. It's been the high point of my day. (beat) Don't do it again. DAX Why would Garak want to undermine Gul Dukat? BASHIR I'm not sure, but I don't think he likes Dukat very much. SISKO I'd like to ask Garak about this myself. Have him in my office at twenty-one-hundred-hours. BASHIR (pleased) Yessir. Sisko walks away. HOLD on Bashir, watching after him... 25 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS O'Brien ENTERS, arriving home after a long day. He sees Rugal sitting in the living area, totally concentrating on a PADD. O'Brien frowns a little at the sight of a Cardassian boy in his quarters. He moves into the dining area, where KEIKO is setting the dinner table. She kisses him hello. KEIKO Hi. O'Brien immediately begins to help. He notices there are only three settings. The two speak quietly...