DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Yes. Isn't it true you were in charge of the evacuation of Bajor? GUL DUKAT (where's this going?) Yes, I was... BASHIR Then it would have been your responsibility to see that these orphans were part of the evacuation. Yet you chose to leave them behind... why? Bashir is afraid to look at Sisko. Sisko is not pleased with this bald interruption, but he's curious about what Bashir has said. Gul Dukat reacts coolly. GUL DUKAT I did not choose to leave them behind, Doctor. I was ordered to leave them behind. BASHIR Ordered? By whom? GUL DUKAT The civilian leaders. They... BASHIR (interrupting, prepared) Excuse me. But if I understand the Cardassian political system, the civilian leaders have no direct authority over military officers... Dukat stares at the impudent young doctor, looks to Sisko to intervene... but Sisko is as curious as everyone else about what the doctor is doing, is content to observe the odd confrontation... so Dukat is forced to answer... tries to make light of this... GUL DUKAT Who's been tutoring you in Cardassian social studies, Doctor? BASHIR Your old friend, Garak. Bashir waits to see the reaction to the name. There is nothing more than a smile.