95:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 18. 24 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT But surely after the accusation this... businessman has made... SISKO (dry) That's all it is for the moment -- an accusation. Bashir ENTERS from the Turbolift, as if there is something urgent he needs to discuss with Sisko. Seeing who Sisko is talking to, he slows to a stop, listens in... GUL DUKAT We wouldn't take kindly to the boy being returned to the Bajorans. However, I have complete confidence in your ability to be thorough, Commander. If there's anything I can do... SISKO As a matter of fact, there is: if it's decided the boy should be returned to Cardassia, who would we return him to? It might help to find out if he has any relatives still living... GUL DUKAT I was just going to suggest that you forward a DNA sample to us. We'll be happy to run it through our data banks. SISKO We'll send it to you right away. BASHIR (steps forward) Excuse me... Gul Dukat, I have a question... Sisko turns to Bashir -- what the hell is he doing? Bashir glances at him nervously... GUL DUKAT It's Doctor... Bashir, isn't it?