120:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - 08/16/93 - ACT ONE 12. 20 CONTINUED: ZOLAN Dabo is a passion of mine. (looks at him) I remember you. You're Doctor... BASHIR Bashir. ZOLAN Bashir, yes. How's the Cardassian? Still has all his fingers, I hope... BASHIR Yes. Luckily there were no broken bones. (casually) I've never seen a boy take a bite out of a man's hand like that... ZOLAN He's a strange child, Rugal. BASHIR Do you know the family well? Cries of "Dabo!" come from the dabo table crowd. ZOLAN Dabo! He collects more winnings... BASHIR (still fishing) Do you? Zolan looks at Bashir, then away... ZOLAN Look, this is really none of my business... BASHIR (curious to that reaction) You were a witness... I just want to be sure I get the facts right... for my... medical report... ZOLAN I'd really rather you ask somebody else...