DEEP SPACE: "Invasive Procedures" - REV. 08/03/93 - ACT TWO 24. 33 CONTINUED:(2) T'KAR Enough stalling. (to Yeto) Take them to the Infirmary. Bashir looks like he still won't cooperate. SISKO (quietly) Do as he says, Doctor. This is no time to be a hero. Bashir goes with them. 34 NEW ANGLE Dax hangs back, lingering near Sisko and Kira for a second. KIRA This isn't over, Dax. I promise you that. Dax smiles slightly, letting Kira know she appreciates her support, then turns to Sisko. SISKO Dax... DAX (anticipating what he's going to say) I know, Benjamin... you'll do all you can. But just in case it isn't enough, I want you to know... (beat, searches for the words, smiles) It's been fun. Sisko nods, too torn with emotion to respond. Dax allows Yeto to lead her out of the room. Bashir follows her, as does Verad. Mareel stops Verad as he heads for the door and kisses him softly on the forehead. MAREEL Good luck. VERAD (proudly) It won't be long now. And then you'll see. Everything will be just as I promised.