DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - REV. 08/02/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 87 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Sisko reacts a beat late... as the phaser fires and Li concurrently lunges at Day... manages to interrupt the beam... catching it full force in his chest before falling on top of Day... a moment later, Odo is disarming him as Sisko moves quickly to see if Li is badly hurt. He is. 88 ANGLE - ON THE GROUND Li is turned over by Sisko and Bashir... badly burned at the stomach... Bashir takes readings, he looks at Sisko incredibly helpless, emotionally wrenched but there's nothing he can do... LI (looks up at Sisko) Off the hook... after all... And he dies. On Sisko's reaction... 89 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A day later. 90 INT. QUARK'S Lights back up. Close on Kira, saddened by the death of Li... KIRA Somehow, you figured now that he was back, things would be better, you know, he'd find a way to make them better... because he was a man who could do that... a great man... I wish I knew where we could find others like him... Moving to find Sisko and O'Brien with her at the bar... SISKO There are heroes all over Bajor, Major... I'm standing with one... She gives him a look that attempts appreciation; it doesn't quite make it... KIRA Sorry, I just don't feel like celebrating tonight. Excuse me. She EXITS. A beat later, Sisko and O'Brien move toward the exit...