DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - REV. 07/20/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 84 CONTINUED: (2) JARO I assure you there is nothing to these accusations... But quite subtly, Winn has put some distance between herself and Jaro... she's now closer to Kira than to Jaro... WINN Then you should have no objection to an inspection of this manifest, Minister... JARO (sensing he's lost) Of course not... The elderly Minister takes the PADD out of Jaro's hands... JARO We will... adjourn for the time being and let me say that I completely support this investigation and intend to fully cooperate with... MINISTERS (ad lib) Major Kira... Major Kira... may I have a word with you... Major... do you have any details on the contents of this manifest... are you certain the Cardassians are involved? The noise and turmoil from the adjournment interrupt and cut him off... and as he looks down at Kira, his eyes are stunned... like a fighter who's been blindsided... 85 KIRA reacts, triumphant... 86 INT. OPS As Day returns with Bashir and Quark and other prisoners, he finds Krim coming out of the Commander's office with Sisko, O'Brien, Odo and Li and the others... he reacts... as Krim confronts him, stronger, angry...