76:[1,#b],138:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - REV. 07/20/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 75 CONTINUED: He leaves the suitcase and crawls forward toward Bashir but once the doctor disappears around the corner, Quark scrambles back and starts to lug the suitcase again. 76 INT. OPS (VPB) Krim, Day and the Bajoran officer and others... DAY (to a supernumerary) Proceed with level three... BAJORAN OFFICER General, the enemy has attacked our position at airlock fourteen... KRIM (shocked) They've attacked? DAY We must have flushed them out... Seal all airlocks, lock all docking clamps... (hits companel) This is Colonel Day. All security units to airlock fourteen. He EXITS... KRIM Let me see what's going on down there... The Aide hits a panel... they look at the screen but it's all interference. BAJORAN OFFICER Surveillance cameras have been sabotaged... But we can hear a racket that sounds like huge assault... phasers crackling... yells and screams... KRIM How many of our officers are stationed by that airlock... ? BAJORAN OFFICER Four, sir.